Engineering News: SBI launches scorecard to measure South Africa’s business performance
The Small Business Institute (SBI) is launching a new scorecard, the SBI Index Tracker, to measure South Africa’s performance relative to other countries in terms of the ease of doing business and other metrics.
The SBI Index Tracker measures South Africa’s business environment across the start-run-grow continuum and aggregates a series of globally recognised indices.
Indices being tracked by the SBI Index Tracker, which are drawn from reliable and reputable sources, include Global Entrepreneurship; Global Entrepreneurship Monitor; Ease of Doing Business; Global Competitiveness Index; Global Innovation Index; and Corruption Perception Index.
By looking at the indices and subindices, SBI can monitor the environment for businesses at all stages of their development.
“As the sixth administration begins its work this Thursday, we hope the deterioration of our performance focuses minds on the critical importance of improving our ranking as an economy,” says Swanepoel.
“Our hope is that the SBI Index Tracker will keep us all on our toes in holding all role-players to account so we can achieve the President’s aspiration and the goal of the National Development Plan to have [small businesses] contributing 90% of all new jobs by 2030.”
He notes that maintaining vigilance around, and continuously identifying, constraints to the growth of SMMEs is an important part of the SBI’s mandate.
The SBI Index Tracker will be updated on an ongoing basis.
“The SBI Index Tracker is also an expression of our commitment to fact and evidence-based policy formulation. As well as weeding out barriers to growth of SMMEs in our country, we also urge economic operators to actively participate in all the studies that measure our country’s performance,” Swanepoel states.
by Engineering News –
Tasneem Bulbulia