Keynote speakers

Dr. Mathews Phosa
Former President: AHI; Former Premier Mpumalanga; NEC ANC
Dr Mathews Phosa is a prominent political and business leader in South Africa. Dr Phosa qualified with a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of the North and later was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Law Degree (PhD (in Law) from Boston University, USA in 1995. He was appointed by President Nelson Mandela as the first Premier of Mpumalanga. He held this position until 1999 after which he became a member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC. In 2007 Dr Phosa was elected Treasurer-General, a position he held until 2012. Dr Phosa is the chairman of various boards, including Jubilee Platinum, SMEC, Hans Merensky, Vuka Timbers, Renaissance Capital, Bauba Platinum, and MCLI to name a few. Dr Phosa is a prolific author who speaks nine languages.

Doug Vining
Futurist and Business Strategist
Doug Vining has 35 years business experience and three business degrees, including an MBA from Wits Business School. Doug is an experienced technology and strategy consultant, with a particular emphasis on disruptive technologies driving the fourth industrial revolution. His abiding fascination with emerging technology of all types, from nanotech and biotech to 3D printing and clean energy, is only eclipsed by his firm conviction that digital communication technology is behind the exponential growth in knowledge in recent decades. Doug is chief technology guru at the FutureWorld Global Network and is the Editor of MindBullets: News from the Future.

Bonang Mohale
CEO Business Leadership SA
Bonang currently is the Chief Executive Officer of BLSA and until June 2017 he was the Vice President Upstream and Chairman of Shell Downstream South Africa (Pty) Limited, where he was Chairman of the boards of Shell South Africa Holdings (Pty) Ltd; Shell Downstream South Africa (Pty) Ltd; Shell South Africa Refinery (Pty) Ltd and South African Petroleum Refinery (SAPREF). He had country responsibilities for the Oil, Chemical, Aviation, Marine and Lubricants global businesses and is operationally accountable for the Retail; Fuels & Bitumen; Supply & Distribution classes of businesses as well as Finance; Legal; HR; Safety (HSSE) and Transformation classes of functions.
Entrepreneur panel

Murendi Mafumo
Kusini Water Plans
Murendi Mafumo is a water scientist with 10 years’ experience working within the water and sanitation sector. He started off working within the City of Cape Town as a water scientist, looking at developing systems for a city that only receives winter rains, he worked as part of a team of scientists in design and monitoring water treatment systems for the City of Cape Town. He studied water treatment technology through the University of Cape Town and is founder of Kusini Water.

Ndumiso Madlala
Founder Soweto Brewing Company
Ndumiso Madlala was born and raised in a village of Elandskop in Pietermaritzburg, he is a Chemical Engineer by profession. After graduating in 2001 he got a scholarship to further his studies at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. His Masters thesis introduced him to what would later become his passion, beer. He returned to SA and briefly worked for Sasol before SAB poached him. He later worked for Heineken to set up their only brewery in South Africa and subsequently joined SABMiller Africa looking after 25 breweries in 14 African countries. Ndumiso left corporate world to follow his entrepreneurial passion. He found brand Soweto Gold a craft beer that was the first to be brewed in a township. After successfully running the company for 4 years he joined forces in August 2017 with the worlds’ second largest brewer, Heineken to make Soweto Gold one of the household beer brands in South Africa.

Ashwin Willemse
Entrepreneur & Activist
Ashwin Willemse is a retired South African rugby union player. He played at wing for the national team, the Springboks. He was one of the outstanding performers during the 2003 season.

Princess Ndiweni
Managing director – Shando’s Construction
Princess Ndiweni is a business owner and founder of Shando’s Construction Pty Ltd. I grew up in Alexandra Township and lived in Joburg all my life. Princess worked for many years in the corporate world after which she did her BBA and a few years down the line she then decided to start her own business. In 2011 she started Shandos’s Construction. In 2015 I had an opportunity to feature on the Drum magazine for the business publication which opened some new doors for the business. In 2016 my company was part of the 4th Annual SA Premier business Award, of which Shando’s Construction was selected in two categories which were: The Woman Owned Company Award and Enterprise development support award. In 2017 I also had an opportunity to be part of the Enterprise Women SA 2017 of which I was a finalist and came 3rd, and, I was the finalist on the Fair Lady Magazine women of the Future 2017.
Panel Discussion

Tim Cohen
Editor of Business Day
Tim Cohen is the editor of Business Day. He began his journalism career on Dome newspaper, the official student newspaper of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, whose production schedule was largely dependent on the availability of beer. He graduated to the last outpost, The Natal Witness, which was fuelled by tea, but was subsequently lured to the coffee-infused domain of Business Day. On Business Day, he was political correspondent, finance editor, London correspondent and editor at large, among a variety of other posts. It was probably the coffee.

Mondli Makhanya
Editor City Press
Mondli Makhanya is Editor-in-Chief of City Press and has been in the media industry for more than 26 years. He has been editor of the Mail & Guardian, the Sunday Times and deputy news editor and Executive Editor at the Star. He was one of the founding editors of Sunday World. Makhanya has also served as Chairperson of the South African National Editors Forum and as Treasurer of The African Editors’ Forum.

Jana Marais
Editor – Finweek
Jana Marais is a financial journalist who has worked for Bloomberg, Sunday Times and The Africa Report. She is currently the editor of finweek, a business and investment magazine.

Thabi Leoka
Economist - Argon asset management
PhD & MSc (Economics) London School of Economics, UK, MA (International Economics) Wits University (first-class and recipient of a Merit award), BA (Wits University). Thabi is our Economic Strategist, reporting to the Chief Investment Officer. She provides important input into the work of our Macro Desk (multi asset and fixed income teams).

Lumkile Mondi
Senior Lecturer at Wits, School of Economic & Business Sciences
Lumkile Mondi is Senior Lecturer at the Wits School of Economic & Business Sciences. He has held several directorships, including non-executive director of Arcelor Mittal SA, KWV Ltd, and was an economic advisor to the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa. Lumkile was chief economist and vice-president of the Industrial Development Corporation.
Panel Discussion

Prof Edith Vries
Director General (DG) of Department of Small Business Development
Edith Vries is the DG of the Department of Small Business Development. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science, an Honours Degree in Psychiatric Social Work and a Masters Social Science specialising in Clinical Social Work. Vries is a fellow of the South Africa Harvard Fellowship Programme and of the Wits-Harvard Senior Executive Programme. She is a Gestalt practitioner and ultimately served as Acting Vice-Rector: Student Affairs at UWC. Vries has been Executive Director at the Independent Development Trust and Director-General of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

David French
CA(SA) Taxation Director
Extensive experience in International Tax, Financial Services and Financial Instruments
Previously reviewing and approving technical opinions for assessments in the Transfer Pricing division of SARS
Provides training and review of all technical taxation opinions
Technical expert in Direct Tax
Experience in Transfer Pricing
Support audit teams in all taxation related matters
Assisted clients in drafting taxation opinion on a number of technical tax matters
Experience in structured private equity deals as well as transaction tax acquisitions
Experience in taxation of Southern African countries, including Zamia, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho

Chris Darroll
CEO of the small Business Project Research Think Tank
Chris Darroll is the founder and Chief Executive of Small Business Project, SBP. SBP specialises in undertaking targeted and robust evidence-based research to inform government policy-making, support SME development and job creation, assist in improving the efficiency of regulatory frameworks and administrative procedures for private sector growth. Chris has more than 26 years’ experience in private sector development, with a special focus on SMEs and job creation. Chris has served as an advisor to several key South African and African government Ministers on addressing constraints to private sector growth and SME development in particular. Chris was a primary architect of the pan-African Investment Climate Facility for Africa.

Prof Simon Roberts
Executive Director: Centre for Competition
Professor Simon Roberts is Executive Director of the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) and professor of economics at the University of Johannesburg. He held the position of Chief Economist and Manager of the Policy & Research Division at the Competition Commission South Africa from November 2006 to December 2012 where he played a lead role in prioritisation, running complex cases and settlements. In addition, Simon has consulted extensively on competition matters over the past 15 years, has been an expert witness in a number of major cases, and has advised competition authorities across the African continent. He has published widely in local and international journals.